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JUST AI reflection prototype

Generate your data and AI ethics 'fingerprint' and connect with others in the field

This is a visualization of the data and AI ethics fingerprint - coloured nodes on black background
Project Status

What is AI and data ethics? Who does it? What does it comprise?

The JUST AI team invites anyone who wants to think about their own approach to these ideas and practices to generate their own data and AI ethics ‘fingerprint’ by following our reflective process.

In this prototype, you’ll be asked to think about how your interests, personal history and intellectual directions could create different ways to connect with others around data and AI ethics topics.

After answering some questions about your interests and involvement in data and AI topics, our software will take a couple of minutes to generate a unique visualisation of your interests and background as a branching network – your own ‘fingerprint’ – which will illustrate your contributions to thinking on ethics and justice of data and AI, in relation to others.

Welcome to our work-in-progress. Let’s explore some data and AI futures.

Generate your AI and data ethics fingerprint

Once you’ve generated your fingerprint, we invite you to screenshot it and share it with others to compare how different approaches complement each other. Do tag us on Twitter: @justainet and using the hashtag #AIEthicsFutures.

You can also join our Discord server to connect with others who have similar, diverging or intersecting interests.

The JUST AI team has designed a reflection tool that’s in prototype form.

The data generated through these reflections will support our ongoing research into the history, breadth, depth and diversity of work on data and AI ethics.

We’re inviting you to play with it and see how it makes you think. If you have any comments or feedback, please get in touch via

Thank you for joining us in exploring and making other directions possible!

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