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Participatory data governance
Enabling a participatory approach to data use, access, sharing and governance where beneficiaries can control and oversee the use of their data.
Algorithms in social media: realistic routes to regulatory inspection
Establishing systems, powers and capabilities to scrutinise algorithms and their impact.
Inspecting algorithms in social media platforms
Joint briefing with Reset, giving insights and recommendations towards a practical route forward for regulatory inspection of algorithms
Non-personal data: the case of the Indian Data Protection Bill, definitions and assumptions
A non-personal data framework is emerging out of the Indian Data Protection Bill, what are its definitions, rationale and underlying assumptions?
The Biometrics and Surveillance Camera Commissioner: streamlined or eroded oversight?
When the direction of travel is towards more extensive use of biometrics and surveillance, do we need more or less oversight?
Does Whitehall need more WEIRDos?
A summary of the first panel on the Ethics & Society stage at CogX 2020 - Day 1
Making visible the invisible: what public engagement uncovers about privilege and power in data systems
Lived experience insights at Citizens’ Biometrics Council and Community Voice workshops show technology can mediate power asymmetries and privilege.
The EU Data Strategy: three key questions
In this long read, we highlight three issues that arise out of the European Commission’s data strategy.
What will the first pandemic of the algorithmic age mean for data governance?
Global crises provide high-stakes stress testing for societal institutions, revealing – for better or worse – the cracks in existing systems.
How will data and AI work for people and society after the UK General Election 2019?
We've taken a look at the five largest political parties’ manifesto commitments relating to data, AI, innovation, law enforcement and human rights.