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Sasha Henriques is a principal genetic counsellor, currently on sabbatical from Guy’s and St Thomas’s NHS Foundation Trust. She is also a committee member of the Association of the UK Genetic Nurses and Counsellors (AGNC) where she is working on convening the association’s first subcommittee on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion.

Sasha is currently a PhD student carrying out an innovative new PhD project, developed by Wellcome Connecting Science and the Wellcome Sanger Institute to explore structural inequalities in genomic research. Sasha’s PhD looks at how data around race, ethnicity, and ancestry is collected and used, and how this addresses health inequalities in genomics.

In the last 10 years she has specialised in cardiac genetics while maintaining an interest in meeting the needs of all cultural groups through policy, research, and clinical care in genomics. Sasha also worked for 18 months as a genetic counsellor in Johannesburg, South Africa and is the co-founder of ‘Genetics Engage’, a public engagement platform to promote inclusivity in all things genetic.