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Dr Joan Costa-i-Font is a Professor in Health Economics,  the team leader of the Ageing and Health Incentives Lab (AHIL), and a faculty associate of the International Inequalities Institute. He is network research fellow at CESifo (since 2008), HEDG (since 2007) and IZA (since 2017). He has worked as Harkness Fellow at Harvard University, taught at the University of Barcelona, Universita Cattolica, and Paris Dauphine, and has held visiting research positions at University of Munich (2008), Oxford University (2009), Boston College (2013) and UCL (2016).

Joan is a policy-oriented academic economist, with his main research and teaching focus being on the economics of health behaviours, ageing and health disadvantage. His current projects are organised on two broad programs on (i) healthy ageing and caregiving, and (ii) health behaviour and inequality.