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Health datafication, digital phenotyping and the ‘Internet of Health’
A new report from the Ada Lovelace Institute explores the datafication of health, how it manifests and the consequences for people and society.
The data will see you now
Exploring the datafication of health: what it is, how it occurs, and its impacts on individual and social wellbeing
Should more public trust in data-driven systems be the goal?
To better understand the limits of public trust in data-driven systems, we must acknowledge the role structural inequalities play in shaping trust
Data, Compute, Labour
The monopolisation of AI is not just – or even primarily – a data issue.
How do we ensure the voices of citizens are heard?
A summary of the second panel on the Ethics & Society stage at CogX 2020 - Day 1
Think. Resist. Act local: is a slow AI possible?
Jeremy Crampton, Professor of Urban Data Analysis at Newcastle University on the three principles that could underpin a more mindful approach to AI.
Pieces in the puzzle: why we need to convene diverse voices
When it comes to the societal impacts of AI and data, we need to tackle complex problems that don’t necessarily have objective solutions.
Social well-being and data ethics
A transcript of Tim Gardam's speech to the techUK Digital Ethics Summit in December 2017.